Your Visibility Roadmap: Build Your Business, Brand, and Influence: Podcast Ep. 045

Podcast Ep. #45: Your Visibility Roadmap: Build Your Business, Brand, and Influence with Carol Cox

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This episode is a mini-training to help you create your visibility roadmap and identify the areas you should focus on to build your business, brand, and influence. They’re not the same for everyone.

I’m going to share with you 4 different visibility roadmaps depending on where you’re at in your business and what your goals are.

Whether you want to do more public speaking, give a keynote, do a TEDx talk, create your own workshops or events, launch a podcast or video show or virtual summit, appear on TV, write a book, serve in a leadership position in a community or industry organization, or run for office, you need to identify the stepping stones to get you from where you are to where you want to be.

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You’ll also hear about a recent tough decision I had to make about a visibility opportunity. I had to keep in mind what was going to grow my business vs. potentially derail it.

Not sure which roadmap is the right one for you and which items to select to focus on?

Sign up for a Visibility Strategy Session. Over 90 minutes, we get to know you, your business, and your goals.

You’ll get a personalized visibility roadmap and plan: selecting the right things to work on, identifying the best groups and conferences for you, and setting milestones and deadlines for accountability.

Episode Highlights:

  • Visualizing where you want to be and what you want to do, whether it’s a keynote, TEDx talk, launching a podcast, hosting a live event, writing a book, going on TV, even running for office
  • What visibility gets you and your business
  • Identifying the stepping stones to get you from where you are to where you want to be.
  • Questions to consider when deciding what areas to focus on for visibility
  • The 4 Visibility Roadmaps – depending on what stage you’re at in your business and what your goals are


[cp_modal display=”inline” id=”cp_id_81cf6″]Get the free PDF download of the visibility roadmaps.[/cp_modal]


Sign up for a Visibility Strategy Session.

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