Writing, Publishing, and Promoting Your Book with Julie Broad: Podcast Ep. 065

Writing, Publishing, and Promoting Your Book with Julie Broad: Podcast Ep. 065

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Have you thought about writing a book, but you’re not  sure what’s involved or even if it’s worth it?

My guest today, Julie Broad of Book Launchers, answers the questions you have about the process of writing, publishing, and promoting a book.

You’ll hear towards the end of the episode what’s the best way to promote and sell your book – and it’s not social media.

We talk about:

  • The advantages of self-publishing vs. traditional publishing
  • The typical timeline of writing, publishing, and promoting a book
  • How having a book helps you as a speaker
  • How having a signature talk can become the backbone of your book
  • Why social media is *not* the way you’ll sell books – and what is
  • What you need to start doing now, even if you’re not planning on writing a book for months or even a year or more from now

About My Guest: Julie Broad is the Founder of Book Launchers, which helps busy entrepreneurs and professionals build their brand and boost their business by writing, publishing, and selling a top quality book. Julie is an Amazon Overall #1 Best Selling Author, an International Book Award Winner, and recipient of the Beverly Hills Book Award for Best Sales book. As an entrepreneur and successful real estate investor she was also awarded the Top 20 under 40 Award. In 2017, she also became a new Mom and moved from Vancouver Island, Canada to Los Angeles, California.

The Speaking Your Brand podcast is hosted by Carol Cox. At Speaking Your Brand, we help women entrepreneurs and professionals create their signature talks and gain more visibility to achieve their goals. Our mission is to get more women in positions of influence and power: on stages, in businesses, on boards, in the media, in politics, and in our communities. Check out our coaching programs and workshops at https://www.speakingyourbrand.com/


  • The advantages of self-publishing vs. traditional publishing
  • The typical timeline of writing, publishing, and promoting a book
  • The importance of pre-orders
  • How having a book helps you as a speaker
  • The emotional part of writing a book and getting back edits
  • How having a signature talk can become the backbone of your book
  • Why social media is *not* the way you’ll sell books – and what is
  • What you need to start doing now, even if you’re not planning on writing a book for months or even a year or more from now
  • What it really takes to write a book


Connect with Julie on her website at https://booklaunchers.com/

Get the free ebook at https://booklaunchers.com/sellbooks

Sign up for a Strategy Session at https://www.speakingyourbrand.com/strategy.

Ready to create your signature talk and framework? Email me at carol@speakingyourbrand.com or click here to schedule a call.

Say hi to me on Instagram and Twitter: @CarolMorganCox.

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