Workshop on Building a Memorable and Impactful Personal Brand


We recently hosted a 90-minute in-person workshop on personal branding for ATHENA NextGen alumni in Orlando, Florida.

Check out photos on my LinkedIn post.

The women who attended said:

“Today’s workshop was phenomenal!”

“It was an outstanding program in every way.”

“I feel like I leveled up so much.”

“I loved all the frameworks.”

It was a lot of fun and the women loved seeing how all their threads connect in their personal brand.

We also had them define their brand voice using our Brand Voice Canvas framework and create their personal brand action plan using our 7 Pillars of Your Personal Brand framework.

If you’d like us to facilitate an in-person or online workshop on personal branding for your team or organization, check out our Trainings page and contact us at

Having a clear and cohesive personal brand is key to unlocking career opportunities and gaining visibility, even more so in our new age of AI.

In our workshops, you’ll learn:

  • How to identify and articulate your unique brand voice.
  • The importance of your M.E.M.E. (Mission, Expertise, Methodology, Experiences) and how to leverage it.
  • How to develop a comprehensive personal brand plan with actionable steps.
  • Techniques to craft a compelling personal brand story.
  • Practical strategies for marketing and visibility that resonate with your authentic self.
Get Our Free Thought Leadership Workbook

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