Turning Your Framework into a Course with Jessica Korthuis: Podcast Ep. 093

Turning Your Framework into a Course with Jessica Korthuis: Podcast Ep. 093 | Speaking your Brand Podcast

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One of the most popular episodes of this podcast is episode 61 on developing your own framework.

I’ve heard from so many of you – in the FB group and via email – that it got you thinking of creating your own framework for your business and your presentations.

Having a framework differentiates yourself from others in your field, it makes it easier for your audience and clients to understand what you do, and you’re creating intellectual property.

In today’s episode, my guest Jessica Korthuis and I talk about how she developed a framework to use with her one-on-one clients and then saw how it could be turned into an online course so more people could benefit from it – and she can add another revenue stream to her business.

In this episode, we get into the details of how Jessica is using her framework, how she’s set up her online course, the beta program she’s running, how she initially tested the idea to see if there was enough interest, and more. Really practical ideas you can use!


About My Guest: Jessica Korthuis is the founder of Sohuis (sō-house) and creator of the Sohuis framework, an open-source communications framework that uniquely combines a variety of modern business design tools with tried-and-true marketing methods to help companies nail their value propositions, build brand authority, and communicate seamlessly across platforms. She is a dynamic marketing and communications professional with a particular focus on brand strategy and value proposition design, and she has extensive experience working with design teams, technologists, senior-level leadership and founding partners. Jessica has worked alongside many influential brands including Red Bull, TedxWomen, Girls Who Code, Florida Institute of Technology, the International Business Innovation Association, and Stanford University. She is a lover of social enterprise, promoter of women in business, a proud “mompreneur.”

The Speaking Your Brand podcast is hosted by Carol Cox. At Speaking Your Brand, we help women entrepreneurs and professionals create their signature talks and gain more visibility to achieve their goals. Our mission is to get more women in positions of influence and power: on stages, in businesses, on boards, in the media, in politics, and in our communities. Check out our coaching programs and workshops at https://www.speakingyourbrand.com.



  • Why Jessica wanted to develop a framework and how she went about doing it
  • What happened that Jessica decided to turn her framework into an online course
  • How she has set up the course
  • Why she started with a beta program
  • How she initially tested interest in the course
  • Which social media platform she has found to be most effective for marketing the course
  • Tools and platforms Jessica uses



Check out Jessica’s website at http://sohuis.com/ and her online course at http://sohuis.com/startupblueprint/.

Slide deck software: https://www.beautiful.ai/

Sign up for a Strategy Session at https://www.speakingyourbrand.com/strategy.

Need to create your signature talk and framework? Email me at carol@speakingyourbrand.com or click here to schedule a call.

Say hi to me on Instagram and Twitter: @CarolMorganCox.

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  1. Speaking Your Brand Podcast with Carol Cox - SOHUIS on November 13, 2018 at 10:07 pm

    […] was recently on Carol Cox’s podcast Speaking Your Brand, an incredible podcast where Carol, the founder of Speaking Your Brand, interviews purpose-driven […]

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