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Join us for a one-of-a-kind speaking event.

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Brave. Bold. Beyond.

How do you push past the doubts that crop up from your own internal voice plus the ones you hear externally?

As women, we're outside the system that was set up by {white} men for the benefit of {white} men.

As such, we can see the Matrix: what's broken and why, what needs to change, and how we can come together to do so.

It's time to change the b.s. stories we've been told, speak up and advocate for what we believe, and break the script to make our own.

Are you ready to use your voice to change our world?

Our Live Virtual Summit is Free

Thursday, April 1, 2021

  • TED-Style Talks

    12 diverse women speakers delivering 10-minute TED-style talks.

  • How-To Panels

    2 panel discussions to help you become a more impactful speaker and thought leader.

  • Interactive Audience

    Get involved in breakout sessions, chats, and networking opportunities plus win prizes.


Why you should attend:

  • listen to amazing live talks by women sharing their stories and messages
  • hear what goes into crafting a stellar speech like a TED-style talk
  • learn how to build your thought leadership platform
  • network with like-minded women
  • leave feeling inspired and energized

Who this is ideal for:

  • women entrepreneurs & professionals
  • interested in public speaking
  • desire to improve your presentation content & delivery
  • want to make the world a better place
  • ready to go from speaker to thought leader with a bigger message and platform

A Unique Event for Speakers by Speakers


As a public speaking company, we want to make sure our speakers are top notch.

We're spending lots of time preparing them, from a workshop on how to create a TED-style talk to office hours and a dress rehearsal.

Each speaker has a volunteer speaking coach, who has been through our programs, to help them improve their content and delivery.

During the event, along with watching the speakers deliver their talks, you'll also hear from the speakers & coaches in panel discussions on what went into identifying their big idea and creating the structure for their talks.

Your Hosts

Carol Cox

Carol Cox


Carol Cox is the founder of Speaking Your Brand® and host of the Speaking Your Brand® podcast. Carol speaks on women's leadership, women in politics, and business storytelling. During election seasons, she serves as a Democratic political analyst on TV news. Carol has a Master's degree in History and lives in Orlando, FL.

Diane Diaz

Diane Diaz


Diane Diaz is our lead Speaking Coach with Speaking Your Brand®. She speaks regularly on personal branding, LinkedIn strategy, and women's empowerment. Diane has an extensive background in marketing and branding and is also an Ironman triathlete. Diane has a Master's in Business Administration and lives in Orlando, FL.

What attendees said about our event:

"I was literally blown away by not only the presenters but the quality and content and execution of the event. Speaking Your Brand is more than a class act – it is a force of nature that leaves inspiration in its wake."

- Lori

“So many great stories, passions of the heart, and motivation from all of the speakers. A transformational WOW! Magic happens when women get together to empower one another! It was crystal clear the team of experts who assisted these speakers in designing their story.”

- Betty

“It was such a lovely, well put together event. It's certainly the most engaging virtual platform I've experienced.”

-  Ambreen

"Beyond world-class!!! So professional - in presentation and content it far exceeds many presentations I have seen from huge corporations."

- Lori

"WOW WOW WOW...AWESOMENESS - all day, all the speakers!"

- Dilcia

“One of the best, if not THE best, conference/summit I have attended!”

- Marcie

"The summit was amazing! I was glued to my computer. I had only planned on watching a friend speak but then I couldn't shut it off!"

- Susan

"I'm excited to hear from so many diverse voices. Thanks for not just talking the talk but also walking the walk when it comes to promoting authentic diversity!"

- Patti

Meet Our Speakers & Coaches

Theme #1: The Stories We Tell


Yuko Kudo


Mary Beth Simon


D'Yonna Riley

3 Powerful Talks on The Stories We Tell Followed by Audience-Involved Discussions.

Listen to Yuko, Mary Beth, and D'Yonna deliver their 10-minute talks,  moderated by Dr. Zoe Shaw. Then join them in interactive breakout sessions.

Panel #1: Building Your Thought Leadership Platform

Learn from our panelists how to develop your thought leadership message and platform.


Carol Cox, Moderator

Founder & Host of Speaking Your Brand

Jackie Roby

Jackie Roby

Consultant, Speaker, Podcaster


Tanya Golash-Boza

Professor, Author, Speaker


Natalie Legrand

Entrepreneur & Speaker

Theme #2: Changing the Narrative


LeeAnn Moss


Melissa Corkum


Lee Rambeau

3 Powerful Talks on Changing The Narrative Followed by Audience-Involved Discussions.

Listen to LeeAnn, Melissa, and Lee deliver their 10-minute talks, moderated by Angela Hosking. Then join them in interactive breakout sessions.

Theme #3: Advocacy & Social Impact


Sophia Andrews


Radhika Narain


Lovern Gordon

3 Powerful Talks on Advocacy and Social Impact Followed by Audience-Involved Discussions.

Listen to Sophia, Radhika, and Lovern deliver their 10-minute talks, moderated by Marie Fiebach. Then join them in interactive breakout sessions.

Panel #2: Crafting A Stellar Speech

Our summit speaking coaches will talk about how to craft a stellar TED-style speech, from finding your big idea to structuring your story and message.

Diane Diaz

Diane Diaz, Moderator

Lead Speaking Coach, Speaking Your Brand


Marie Fiebach

Speaker and TV Host


Joy Spencer

Leadership and Storytelling Coach


Angela Hosking

Speaker, Author, Coach

Zoe Shaw Headshot2-cropped

Dr. Zoe Shaw

Therapist, Speaker, Author, Podcaster


Terri Deuel

Executive Leadership Coach, Speaker, TEDx Curator

Theme #4: Reclaiming Your Power


Lara Currie

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Katherine Johnson


Zaribel Clay

3 Powerful Talks on Reclaiming Your Power Followed by Audience-Involved Discussions.

Listen to Lara, Katherine, and Zaribel deliver their 10-minute talks, moderated by Joy Spencer. Then join them in interactive breakout sessions.

Meet Our Emcee


Amber Hawley

Podcaster, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Licensed Therapist

The Detailed Event Agenda

Thursday, April 1, 2021

All times are Eastern.

Download the Agenda PDF.

11:45 am EDT = Doors Open

Arrive early to enjoy music and networking with our emcee Amber Hawley.

12-12:30 pm EDT = Opening Remarks

Co-host Diane Diaz kicks us off with an overview of the day's themes.

Opening keynote from Speaking Your Brand® founder Carol Cox on The Power of Women's Stories: Brave, Bold, Beyond.

12:30-1:15 pm EDT = Theme #1: The Stories We Tell

The 1st group of 3 speakers will give their 10-minute TED-style talks with the theme "The Stories We Tell": Yuko Kudo, Mary Beth Simon, and D’Yonna Riley, moderated by Dr. Zoe Shaw.

1:15 -1:40 pm EDT = Breakout Session

Breakout Sessions with Speakers & Coaches & YOU

1:45-2:10 pm EDT = Panel #1: Building Your Thought Leadership Platform

Learn ways you can build your thought leadership message and platform with our panel discussion, moderated by Carol Cox.

Panel: Jackie Roby, Tanya Golash-Boza, and Natalie Legrand.

2:15-3 pm EDT = Theme #2: Changing the Narrative

The 2nd group of 3 speakers will give their 10-minute TED-style talks with the theme "Changing the Narrative": Lee Ann Moss, Melissa Corkum, Lee Rambeau, moderated by Angela Hosking.

3-3:25 pm EDT = Breakout Sessions

Breakout Sessions with Speakers & Coaches & YOU

3:30-4:15 pm EDT = Theme #3: Advocacy & Social Impact

The 3rd group of 3 speakers will give their 10-minute TED-style talks with the theme "Advocacy & Social Impact": Sophia Andrews, Radhika Narain, and Lovern Gordon, moderated by Marie Fiebach.

4:15-4:40 pm EDT = Breakout Sessions

Breakout Sessions with Speakers & Coaches & YOU

4:45-5:10 pm EDT = Panel #2: Crafting A Stellar Speech

Our speaking coaches will talk about how to craft a stellar TED-style speech, from finding your big idea to structuring your story and message.

Panel: Marie Fiebach, Joy Spencer, Angela Hosking, Terri Deuel, and Dr. Zoe Shaw, moderated by Diane Diaz

5:15-6 pm EDT = Theme #4: Reclaiming Your Power

The 3rd group of 3 speakers will give their 10-minute TED-style talks with the theme "Advocacy & Social Impact": Lara Currie, Katherine Johnson, and Zaribel Clay, moderated by Joy Spencer.

6-6:25 pm EDT = Breakout Sessions

Breakout Sessions with Speakers & Coaches & YOU

6:30-6:45 pm EDT = Closing Remarks + Prizes

Closing remarks by Carol Cox + Prize giveaways!

6:45-7:30 pm EDT = Happy Hour on Mixaba

Join us for a Happy Hour on Mixaba and network with your fellow attendees!

Help Us Spread the Word: Share on Social

Suggested Caption (feel free to add why you're excited!):

I'm excited to attend the Brave. Bold. Beyond. free live virtual summit on April 1st, hosted by Carol Cox of Speaking Your Brand @carolmorgancox.

I'm looking forward to hearing the TED-style talks and panel discussions and cheering on the women speakers.

Free registration at

#speakingyourbrand #virtualsummit #braveboldbeyond #womensvoices #choosingwomensvoices #useyourvoice #thoughtleadership #womenspeakers #publicspeaking

Questions & Answers

"I came into the summit as an SYB newbie and am leaving as a fan for life."

- Kristin

"I had no idea that I would experience this today and it is exactly what I needed right now. Thank you!"

- Denise

What attendees said about our speakers:

"You are changing so many lives right now -- I have chills watching you display your courage, boldness and bravery."

"Such a powerful story. You are so brave to talk about it and will empower many. Thanks for being vulnerable and bold!"

"I legit have chills. I feel every word you are saying and every feeling you have in saying your truth."

"What an amazing story of recognition, courage, and positive change."

“Clappinggg and fists in the air right now!!”

"Thank you for going beyond bravery and boldness, beyond you, beyond your mum, beyond your pain and your anxiety to share your truth with us, and for inviting us to join and walk with you!."

"We wouldn't have heard all of this reality from all of these exceptional women, all of this true and vulnerable storytelling from these women, if this were not a conference for Women, by Women. We do the most wonderful things when the patriarchy isn't trying to stand over us or pull the rug out from under us."