Using a Signature Talk for Lead Generation with Kelley Carlstrom, PharmD: Podcast Ep. 268

Using a Signature Talk for Lead Generation with Kelley Carlstrom, PharmD: Podcast Ep. 268 | Speaking Your Brand

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What does it look like to create your signature talk and put it out there for the first time?

Our guest, Kelley D. Carlstrom, PharmD, did just that a couple of months ago.

Kelley recently graduated from our Thought Leader Academy and worked with our lead speaking coach Diane Diaz to create her signature talk for lead generation.

Kelley took her new signature talk and presented it as a webinar to promote her program for oncology pharmacists, called the ELO Collaborative. 

Not only did Kelley get great feedback, she also got enrollees for her program!

In this episode, Diane and Kelley talk about:

  • What prompted Kelley to want to develop her thought leadership
  • The process of creating her lead generation signature talk
  • The results from the webinar she did to enroll pharmacists in her program
  • The value of an MVP
  • Focusing on both short-term and long-term visibility
  • How your business and your thought leadership run on parallel tracks to support each other

Prospective clients often ask us what kinds of industries we work with and it truly is a wide variety of women entrepreneurs, from executive leadership coaches, business strategists, and marketers to pharmacists, physicians, and therapists. 

If you’d like to join our Thought Leader Academy, you can get all the details and apply at


About My Guest: Kelley D. Carlstrom received her Doctor of Pharmacy from The University of Colorado and completed post-graduate residency training at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, MA. She is a board-certified oncology pharmacist that has worked in a variety of traditional and non-traditional settings including at a large academic medical center where she specialized in blood and marrow transplantation, at a small community hospital, as a consultant for a large electronic medical record implementation, and most recently in the healthcare technology space helping to create digital products for oncology clinicians and patients.

Kelley is passionate about oncology and sees a growing need for more pharmacists to be trained in this specialty. Despite this need, there are professional barriers for those seeking to specialize. Kelley has launched KelleyCPharmD, LLC to decolonize oncology pharmacy training and increase accessibility and inclusion. She offers unique oncology training opportunities because she believes every pharmacist deserves access to specialty training that can transform their career.

About Us: The Speaking Your Brand podcast is hosted by Carol Cox. This episode is hosted by our lead speaking coach Diane Diaz. At Speaking Your Brand, we help women entrepreneurs and professionals clarify their brand message and story, create their signature talks, and develop their thought leadership platforms. Our mission is to get more women in positions of influence and power because it’s through women’s stories, voices, and visibility that we challenge the status quo and change existing systems. Check out our coaching programs at



Show notes at 

Kelley’s website: 

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