Using Personal Stories to Connect with Your Audience with Lisa Woodruff: Podcast Ep. 039

Podcast Ep. #39: Using Personal Stories to Connect with Your Audience with Lisa Woodruff

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What kinds of personal stories should you share in a business context? How personal is too personal when sharing stories publicly? How do you get past the fear that creeps up when you’re about to share something?

My guest Lisa Woodruff, founder of Organize 365, and I talk about how and why she shares personal stories on her podcast and blog and how that has impacted her business growth.

We also get into how Lisa got visibility for her business early on and what she’s doing now with podcasting, blogging, speaking, and social media.

About My Guest: Lisa Woodruff is a home organization expert, productivity specialist and author of The Mindset of Organization, Take Back Your House One Phase at a Time, & How ADHD Affects Home Organization. Lisa believes organization is not a skill you are born with. It is a skill that is developed over time and changes with each season of life.  Lisa has helped thousands of women reclaim their homes and finally get organized with her practical tips, encouragement and humor through her blog and podcast at


  • Why Lisa started her business Organize 365 in 2012
  • How Lisa uses personal stories in her business, blog, and podcast to connect with her audience
  • How Lisa handles the fear of sharing personal stories
  • How Lisa got visibility for her business early on and what she’s doing now with podcasting, blogging, speaking, and social media
  • How getting organized is a learned skill and there is no one way to be organized, but there are best practices
  • How the level of organization and tools you use may be individual, but the process of getting organized has a lot of similarities
  • The importance of finding what you really want to sink your teeth into so you love your career and feel like you’re contributing to the world
  • How long it takes from first thought of a goal to actualizing it



Podcast Ep. #37

Podcast Ep. #16

Podcast Ep. #20

Lisa’s website

Lisa’s podcast Organize 365

Lisa’s eBook The Sunday Basket

Lisa’s content manager Content10x

Chris Ducker Mastermind

Connect with Lisa on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter

Say hi to me on Twitter @CarolMorganCox

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