Niche Partnership Consulting
A Contingency Plan is No Longer Optional, Personally or Professionally
Create Your Contingency Plan & Business Continuance Playbook
Struggle to Strength: How Childhood Trauma Shows Up as Strength in Life and the Workplace
Mary Beth Simon’s mission is to minimize the suffering and prevent someone from experiencing added pain and struggle during already difficult times.
Her own painful experience inspired her to help you create a plan that gives you peace of mind. She wants to help you teach those who depend on you so that they are prepared. It’s never too soon to ensure they are ready to step in during an emergency.
This is why she created NPC. Her unique methodology prepares clients’ second-in-command to implement the complex processes, policies, and paperwork that have become second nature for her clients.
Professional business associations and groups, Medical practices, Attorneys, Financial planners and insurance brokers, Private community organizations, Women’s organizations