Guest Podcast: Her Success Story with Ivy Slater


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This week Ivy Slater, host of Her Success Story, chats with her guest, Carol Cox. The two talk about ‘Speaking Your Brand’ as a company, a confidence and clarity builder, a framework for success, an art, and a way of life. In this episode, they discuss:

  • How and why Carol started her business Carol’s aha moment that brought light to her true purpose
  • Why women need ‘Speaking Your Brand’
  • How public speaking brings confidence and community to women in business
  • What surprises Carol has found in her journey
  • What differences and commonalities she has found in building this business, as opposed to her two tech businesses
  • Why she named her company the way she did
  • How Carol adapted a methodology that framed the success of ‘Speaking Your Brand’
  • Carol shares an impactful moment, and what came out of it
  • The art of releasing attachment, and allowing each person in the audience to have their own experience



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