How to Get Noticed in a Crowded Field

How to get noticed in a crowded field

Have you seen the new Tony Robbins documentary “I Am Not Your Guru”?

Or, even better, have you been to one of his live events? (Lucky you! It’s on my bucket list.)

It’s fascinating to watch Tony ask certain questions to get people to think deeper about what’s really causing their issues.

Some are there to fix their health, others to fix their marriage, and many of them want to skyrocket their business or career.

They think the answer to their problems is as simple as a better diet, a better sex life, or a better job (not that these aren’t worthwhile pursuits!).

But Tony knows better than to give them nutrition advice or teach them 5 ways to use social media.

He knows he needs to get them to understand the core of who they are, why they do what they do, and the value they bring to the world because of the particular set of experiences they’ve had (no surprise, it usually goes all the way back to their childhood and parental relationships).

Otherwise, all the time and effort they spend on the surface isn’t going to make a dent where it needs to.

This is the same thing you need to do in your business: uncover your core message that drives who you are and why you do what you do, so you can move past the surface level of mass marketing and transactional outcomes and instead offer deeper, transformational experiences for your clients.

Once you have your core message, you can base your business and marketing on it for the next 10 years, no matter what you’re selling and no matter what hot new channel comes after Twitter and Instagram and Facebook.

In fact, you can base the rest of your life on it.

And you know what? You’ve already been basing your life on it, with all the choices you’ve made in your career, business, education, and interests — and the values you believe in that have shaped those choices.

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Tony Robbins calls what he does interventions.

I call them breakthroughs.

You need to create a powerful brand that breaks through the crowded field with a meaningful message and a story that sells.

But, like the people Tony helps, it’s really hard to do it on your own. You need to get out of your own head and talk it through with someone who can see the bigger picture – and who is invested in your success. (This is exactly why I have my own business coach.)

I’m here to help you do just that: dig deep, be bold, learn how to differentiate yourself, and uncover your WHY, so you can craft a core message that you can base your personal and business brand on.

I know you’re busy with lots of priorities to juggle, so in a single 90-minute session with me, you’ll have your core message mapped out. You’ll be able to use this right away for your website, marketing, and signature talk.

You’ll be much more targeted with your web copy and marketing, and you’ll know what kinds of content and products to create and for whom. No more wasted time and effort putting out mass marketing messages to the wrong people with little to show for it.

I only have space to do a limited number of these, so sign up today.

Want to know what my core message is? Scroll to the bottom of this page to read it.

Worth Listening To

This interview with Tony Robbins on the Tim Ferriss podcast is so well worth an hour of your time: “Fulfillment is more important than achievement.” 


Worth Watching

This new Under Armour ad with Michael Phelps is so cool. I love the tagline at the end.


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