How to Generate Leads From Your Podcast with Stacey Ogden [Coaching]: Podcast Ep. 086

How to Generate Leads From Your Podcast with Stacey Ogden [Coaching]: Podcast Ep. 086

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Do you have a podcast – or video series or blog – but aren’t getting leads from it as you had expected?

You know your content is good – you’re getting listeners and viewers and readers – but, when it comes to making money as a result of that content, it’s crickets (and an empty inbox).

What can you do?

This is the question my guest today, Stacey Ogden of Busy Mom Collective, had.

In this on-air coaching call, you’ll hear as we dissect what’s going on with her podcast (if you don’t have a podcast, you can apply it to the content you’re creating).

We come up with specific strategies she – and you – can use to generate leads, including:

  • what to do on her podcast to talk about what she does
  • what kinds of calls to action to include and how many
  • where to promote her podcast
  • what to do when people sign up for her email list.

One thing Stacey told me is that she doesn’t want her podcast to come off as a sales pitch. And, I totally get it. I did an entire episode on why you shouldn’t sell from the stage – and what to do instead (episode 59). The same premise applies to your podcast and other content.

If you need help strategizing your podcast, video series, or messaging in general, you can book a strategy session. Strategy sessions are great for specific questions or challenges you have. We dig deep and you walk away with a concrete action plan, much like you’ll hear here with Stacey.

This episode is the second in a 4-part series related to podcasting. If you host a podcast or have a thought about it, this series will help you get better results. If you don’t have any plans for a podcast, still listen! The strategies we talk about can be applied in other areas too.


About My Guest: Stacey Ogden is the founder and owner of the Busy Mom Collective. Through her podcast of the same name, and working one-on-one with clients, she helps working moms and mompreneurs master their schedules, own their time, and conquer their out of control to-do lists. She lives in western Connecticut with her husband, 7 year old daughter, and German Shepherd puppy where she teaches middle school music and runs a local chapter of Business Among Moms.


The Speaking Your Brand podcast is hosted by Carol Cox. At Speaking Your Brand, we help women entrepreneurs and professionals create their signature talks and gain more visibility to achieve their goals. Our mission is to get more women in positions of influence and power: on stages, in businesses, on boards, in the media, in politics, and in our communities. Check out our coaching programs and workshops at


  • Having a focused niche for your podcast
  • The kinds of episodes you can do on your podcast (guest interviews, coaching calls, solo episodes)
  • Why you should do on-air coaching calls on your podcast
  • The calls to action Stacey currently has on her podcast and what she could change them to
  • Should you should have only *one* call to action or is it ok to have multiple ones?
  • How Stacey is using her Facebook page
  • Specific strategies to get more leads from the podcast
  • What to do when someone joins your email list
  • Where to place your calls to action within your podcast
  • How to connect your call to action to your on-air coaching call


Stacey’s website:

Check out Stacey’s podcast “The Busy Mom Collective”

Sign up for a Strategy Session at

Ready to create your signature talk and framework? Email me at or click here to schedule a call.

Say hi to me on Instagram and Twitter: @CarolMorganCox.

Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts and leave a review!

Other Episodes Mentioned:

  • Episode 59: Why You Shouldn’t Sell from the Stage – and What to Do Instead
  • Episode 34: Relationship Selling with Nikki Rausch
  • Nikki Rausch on Stacey’s podcast episode 29

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