Why You Shouldn’t Sell from the Stage – and What to Do Instead with Carol Cox: Podcast Ep. 059
Have you heard the phrase “sell from the stage”? The idea is that you pitch your programs and products to the audience at the end of your presentations. If you’ve been doing speaking engagements, you know it takes time, effort, energy, and sometimes money (especially when travel is involved), so it’s understandable that you want…
Read MoreHow to Use Simple Story Structure to Create Compelling Content with Carol Cox: Podcast Ep. 057
How to Become a TEDx Speaker with Tamsen Webster: Podcast Ep. 056
If you’ve been wanting to do a TEDx talk, this episode is perfect for you. My guest Tamsen Webster and I talk about everything TEDx, including what are the 3 key elements that make a great TEDx talk and how to know if you have a TED-worthy idea (“an idea worth spreading”). Tamsen was the…
Read MoreShould You Give an Instructional or an Inspirational Talk with Carol Cox: Podcast Ep. 055
Should you give an instructional or an inspirational talk? You probably think I’m going to say that the answer is “It depends,” but I’m not. I think the real question behind this question is you want to know what kind of content to present to the audience. You’re not sure if they want to…
Read MoreMarketing Trends You Need to Know for 2018 with Sandi Eveleth: Podcast Ep. 051
There’s been a dramatic shift in online marketing in the past 1-2 years. What used to work doesn’t work anymore, or at least not the same way it did. My guest Sandi Eveleth, a digital marketing strategist, and I share strategies you can use now including: how to market to cold audiences vs. warm ones;…
Read MoreThis Surprising Element Will Make You a Better Speaker with Janice Rous: Podcast Ep. 049
There’s something you can do as a speaker to connect with your audience and have an impact on them that goes beyond your content or the activities you have them do. It’s one of the four essential elements (fire, water, air, and earth), which is why I used the word “element” in the title. It’s…
Read MoreStrategies to Get Visible with Pam Andrews [Coaching]: Podcast Ep. 048
How can you get more visibility for your business? In this on-air coaching call, my guest Pam Andrews and I discuss specific things she can do, from obvious ones like speaking to groups and going on podcasts to some less obvious ones that may be a good fit for you too. You’ll learn the questions…
Read MoreCreating Better Audience Engagement and Learning with Amy Lang: Podcast Ep. 047
As a speaker, you’re only one-half of the equation. The other half is your audience. Particularly when you’re doing workshops and breakout sessions with smaller groups, you want to make sure that the audience is engaged, interested, and learning. My guest Amy Lang is an experienced speaker and workshop facilitator and she shares with us…
Read MoreHow Speaking Can Grow (or Derail) Your Business with Amber De La Garza: Podcast Ep. 043
Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts. Get ready for a fun and lively conversation! We get into the nitty-gritty of speaking in this episode: how to make sure that the speaking opportunities you say yes to are helping you reach your goals and grow your business vs. derailing you. My guest Amber De La…
Read MoreBehind the Scenes of My Presentation at BizChix Live, From Content to Slides to Delivery: Podcast Ep. 041
Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts. In this episode, I take you behind the scenes of a presentation I recently gave at BizChix Live, a 3-day conference for women entrepreneurs. The title was “Your Visibility Roadmap: Growing Your Business, Brand, and Influence.” I talk about how I created the presentation itself, an overview of…
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