The 4 Visibility Mindset Shifts You Must Make with Eleanor Beaton [Confidence Series]: Podcast Ep. 128
This conversation is one I’ll be listening to again, especially the end (!). Is there something that has held you back from being more visible, whether it’s sharing a powerful message or standing on a stage in front of an audience? You’re far from alone. As women, we’ve grown up with societal and cultural messages…
Read MoreDeveloping Confidence in Public Speaking [Confidence Series]: Podcast Ep. 127
Starting with this episode, the next 5 episodes will be related to confidence: from putting yourself out there to pitch for speaking gigs, to conquering a fear of public speaking, to standing on stage and delivering your talks with presence and poise. This episode kicks off this series by talking about what confidence is, my…
Read MoreGain Skills and Visibility By Serving on a Board with Shireen Motara: Podcast Ep. 126
Serving on a corporate or non-profit board is an excellent opportunity for you to gain skills and visibility and broaden your network. Plus, representation matters: not only to the performance of the companies and organizations who have more women on their boards, but to women who see other women on boards and can then imagine…
Read MoreHandling Hard Conversations at Live Events with Sarah & Beth of Pantsuit Politics: Podcast Ep. 125
You may not be talking about politics at your speaking engagements, but you may be discussing issues that are controversial or where people have a distinct point of view. Or, you may get a question from an audience member that throws you off. How can you handle hard conversations, whether it’s at events, panels, media…
Read MoreOpportunities Come When You’re Prepared with Karen Briscoe [Coaching]: Podcast Ep. 124
Have you ever been asked to give an important talk or presentation with a very short time frame? You knew that saying “yes” would be beneficial, but then you had to scramble to put it together, which meant pushing aside your other work, stressing about it, and creating a presentation that wasn’t as good as…
Read MoreThe Key Elements You Need to Get Paid Speaking Engagements with Li Hayes: Podcast Ep. 123
You’re going to love this episode, so much so that you may want to listen to it more than once. It’s packed with what you need in order to get paid speaking engagements. There are 5 key elements that event planners look for in speakers they hire. In this episode, you’ll learn what these key…
Read MoreA Fresh Approach to Social Media Engagement with Tara McMullin: Podcast Ep. 122
Have you heard the term “call and response”? When I hear the phrase, I think of preachers, especially in black churches, who use it to engage their parishioners and uplevel the energy in the room. I was curious about where the phrase originated, so I did some searching: “Call and response is deeply embedded into…
Read MoreDesigning Your Website So It Speaks Your Brand with Melanie (Mel) Richards: Podcast Ep. 121
How does your website impact your speaking opportunities and fees? More than you may think. If you want to be seen as an authority in your field and charge premium rates, as both a speaker and an entrepreneur, your branding needs to reflect that. This includes your website, your marketing materials, your graphics, and your…
Read MoreFocusing on the Why vs. the How in Your Presentations with Layne Booth [Coaching]: Podcast Ep. 120
A question I get a lot is: What content should I include in my lead generation presentations? How much information do I share? To figure this out, start with these two questions: #1 = What are you selling (your program, service, product)? This will help you to determine what content will best align with your…
Read MoreDeconstructing a Keynote: Writing, Preparation, and Delivery: Podcast Ep. 119
In the last episode, I talked about pushing past your speaking plateau – what happens when we get to a certain point in our skillset, it’s a comfortable place, but we’re no longer progressing or challenging ourselves, and I shared some ways you can get past your plateau. That’s where my guest today, Diane Diaz,…
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