You Need to Create a Framework [Frameworks Series]: Podcast Ep. 145

 When you hear “Maslow’s hierarchy of needs,” does a shape come to mind? How about “sales funnel?” These are both examples of frameworks. Having a framework is a tremendous asset for your business – you can use it for sales conversations, on your website and marketing materials, and of course for your presentations. Frameworks…

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Comparing Political Speeches from Michelle Obama, Elizabeth Warren, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [Storytelling Series]: Podcast Ep. 140

Comparing Political Speeches from Michelle Obama, Elizabeth Warren, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [Storytelling Series]: Podcast Ep. 140 | Speaking Your Brand

What can we learn from political speeches to apply to our own presentations? Quite a bit! For this episode, we watched speeches given by former First Lady Michelle Obama, Senator and Presidential Candidate Elizabeth Warren, and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (known as AOC). I’m joined by one of our speaking coaches Diane Diaz as we talk…

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