Mindful Leadership in Uncertain Times with Puja Madan: Podcast Ep. 164
I don’t know about you, but for the past week, I’ve been checking the NYT website and my Twitter feed WAY too many times a day, as we all struggle to understand what the impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus) will have on us, our families, our businesses, and our communities. My friend Puja Madan, who is…
Read MoreA Feminist Approach to Public Speaking with Carol Cox: Podcast Ep. 163
As I’ve worked with nearly 200 women over the past few years, I’ve seen how the same things trip us up, as well as what liberates us as women – our voices and our stories. Have you ever attended an event, heard a speaker, and thought, “I could give just as good as, if not…
Read MoreWhy We’re #ChoosingWomensVoices – and You Should Too with Carol Cox and Diane Diaz: Podcast Ep. 162
I was listening to a well-known, very popular male podcaster a few months ago and he put me over the edge when he said something like this (I’m paraphrasing): “Some people tell me I should have more diverse guests – women and people of color – but I don’t think that should be a criteria…
Read MoreMindset and Negotiation Strategies for Speakers with Latesha Byrd [Mindset Series]: Podcast Ep. 161
Join me for an insightful conversation with my guest Latesha Byrd, a speaker, podcaster, and the founder of Byrd Career Consulting, a consulting agency that provides professional and executive career coaching. Latesha and I talk about: Figuring out what you want to be known for The identity shift that Latesha went through when she left…
Read MoreShifting Your Sales Mindset and Strategies for Greater Success with Reena Philpot [Mindset Series]: Podcast Ep. 160
How would you like a bucket of leads at your business doorstep every day? Sounds great, right? Well, maybe not. This conversation with sales expert Reena Philpot is going to revolutionize the way you look at sales. I’ve gotten to know Reena over the past 2 years, and we worked together a few months ago…
Read MoreWhat Holds Us Back and What Can Propel Us Forward with Stephanie Harter [Mindset Series]: Podcast Ep. 159
How do you know when you’re ready for the next big thing, to make a change? Do you feel that you need to learn more, become more of an expert? Or are you the type of person who’s willing to learn while leaping? I’m joined by my friend and incredible coach Stephanie Harter, who’s made…
Read MoreDealing with Uncertainty and Fear When Public Speaking [Mindset Series]: Podcast Ep. 158
Public speaking can certainly bring about nerves and uncertainty, whether you’re a new speaker or you’ve been speaking a while and want to try something new on stage or with a larger audience. In this episode, Diane Diaz and I talk about: The improv class we’re taking and what we’ve learned so far that can…
Read MoreTraits of a Successful Speaker: Podcast Ep. 157
I’m sharing 7 books and 4 podcast series that have impacted me personally and professionally because they’ve made me think about being a speaker (and an entrepreneur) in a different way. You won’t find these books or podcasts in the business or marketing section. They’re also not about public speaking tips. Instead, they can add…
Read MoreVisibility Strategies That Get You Noticed with Janice Gassam, Ph.D.: Podcast Ep. 156
What does “being visible” mean? It means being seen and being in public view. As entrepreneurs, we want to be seen, so people know what we do and how we can help them. Visibility strategies, including being a panelist and speaker, posting on LinkedIn, and writing for publications, is what my guest Janice Gassam…
Read MoreHow Public Speaking Built My Businesses: Lessons and Mistakes: Podcast Ep. 155
Public speaking has undoubtedly been one of the key factors in building 3 different businesses over the last 18 years. You’ll hear the lessons and mistakes I learned, so you can use speaking effectively and strategically as part of your overall marketing strategy, whether you’re newer in your business or years in. Why does public…
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