The Hub and Spokes of Your Thought Leadership Message with Christie Rocha: Podcast Ep. 270
When you start putting your thought leadership out into the world, think of your overall message as the hub. You then have various spokes you can use to share the message and get others involved. These spokes can include your own podcast; a LinkedIn Live or Instagram Live show; a challenge; speaking (of course!); podcast…
Read MoreUsing a Signature Talk for Lead Generation with Kelley Carlstrom, PharmD: Podcast Ep. 268
What does it look like to create your signature talk and put it out there for the first time? Our guest, Kelley D. Carlstrom, PharmD, did just that a couple of months ago. Kelley recently graduated from our Thought Leader Academy and worked with our lead speaking coach Diane Diaz to create her signature talk…
Read MoreThe Way to Gender Equality is through Public Speaking with Carol Cox (#IWD): Podcast Ep. 267
Today, March 8, is International Women’s Day. This year’s theme is Break the Bias. I appreciate that on the IWD website, they write, “Celebrating women’s achievements and increasing visibility, while calling out inequality, is key.” In this episode, I share the premise of the book I’m working on around the importance of women being public…
Read MoreThe Four Layers of Thought Leadership with Carol Cox: Podcast Ep. 262
I remember last year I was doing some research and I googled “famous thought leaders.” Guess what the results were? All men. Now, we know there are women thought leaders: Brene Brown, Mel Robbins, Nikole Hannah-Jones, Minda Harts all come to mind. But, Google hasn’t caught on yet. Why not? Because we need MORE women…
Read MoreSelf-Doubt Happens: Here’s What I Do with Carol Cox: Podcast Ep. 260
One of the side effects of going bigger with your message and putting yourself out there is self-doubt. Even when you’re excited about what you’re working on, self-doubt can creep in. Self-doubt can masquerade as procrastination, boredom, shiny object syndrome, distractions, filling up your to-do lists and calendar, even deciding to clean those areas of…
Read MoreConnecting Your Business and Your Thought Leadership with Carol Cox: Podcast Ep. 259
How is your thought leadership message connected to your business? Should it be related? I look at it this way: Thought leadership is the personal WHY to the WHAT (vision) and HOW (mission) that you have for your business. Think of your thought leadership as a parallel track to your business; it’s WHY you do…
Read MoreTrends in Public Speaking and Thought Leadership for 2022 with Carol Cox: Podcast Ep. 258
Happy New Year! This is the 4th year in a row I’ve done a trends episode for the start of the year. What I mean by trends are not fads or cliches or gimmicks. Trends are like currents or waves of energy that move through our society and affect everything from business and politics and…
Read MoreWriting a Book Gives Your Ideas Depth and Longevity with Tiffany Hawk [The Medium is the Message Series]: Podcast Ep. 257
This is the final episode in the series we’ve been doing called “The Medium is the Message”. In this series, we’ve covered the mediums of podcasting, public speaking, video, TV, email, and social media – what makes each one unique and how to make the most of them. This episode is all about the medium…
Read MoreMaking the Most of LinkedIn as a Thought Leader with Tyrona Heath [The Medium is the Message Series]: Podcast Ep. 256
This is one of the best conversations I’ve had about how to use social media effectively as a thought leader. My guest is Tyrona (Ty) Heath, who is Director, Market Engagement, at The B2B Institute at LinkedIn. You’re getting the inside scoop of the big picture of how to make the most of LinkedIn. We…
Read MoreYear In Review: What Worked, What Didn’t, What’s Next with Carol Cox and Diane Diaz: Podcast Ep. 255
We’re taking you behind the scenes to share what worked, what didn’t, and what’s next for us in the areas of speaking, visibility, and the business in general. Diane Diaz and I talk about: 🎉 10 things we’re celebrating that went well this year ❌ 3 things we tried that did not go as well…
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