Evolving Your Brand is a Must: How to Align Who You Are, Even the Messy Parts: Podcast Ep. 424
We hear all the time that we should “reinvent” ourselves to stay relevant. Or that we should ignore or dismiss aspects of our careers that no longer seem to “fit” with what we’re doing now. I’m not sure we can truly “reinvent” ourselves, nor should we. Instead, we should embrace how we evolve over…
Read MoreFeeling Stuck or at a Plateau with Your Brand or Visibility? It’s Time to Break the Rules with Carol Cox: Podcast Ep. 423
I have a confession to make: I’ve diluted my brand message, my brand style, and my brand voice – unintentionally, inadvertently. I’ve been sensing this for at least a year, but I’ve kept powering through, creating new podcast episodes, sending emails, posting on LinkedIn, like the proverbial hamster on the wheel, churning out content…
Read MoreThe 3 Key Elements for Your Transformational Personal Brand with Carol Cox: Podcast Ep. 417
We’re diving into what makes a personal brand truly transformational. If you’re working to build a brand that’s memorable and impactful, whether you’re an entrepreneur, a leader, or someone looking to expand your influence, this episode is for you. In this episode, I share three essential elements that go into creating a transformational personal…
Read MoreYour Brand Voice: The Secret to Authentic Connection with Your Audiences with Ashleigh Harvey: Podcast Ep. 416
As an entrepreneur or professional, you know the power of having a clear and compelling brand voice that resonates with your audience. You want your message to attract the right clients, opportunities, and partners – but knowing how to express your authentic self can feel like a challenge. Many women struggle with feeling like they…
Read MoreWhat Event Producers Look for When Selecting Speakers with Johanna (Jo) Murillo: Podcast Ep. 415
If you’ve ever wondered how to land those coveted speaking and panel spots at events, this episode is for you! I’m thrilled to have Johanna (Jo) Murillo join me to share her insider knowledge on how event organizers and producers choose speakers and panelists. Jo is an event producer extraordinaire based in Orlando, Florida, where…
Read MoreUsing ‘Stages’ and ‘Lessons’: Live Signature Talks from Our Thought Leader Academy Grads: Podcast Ep. 414
In your presentations and keynotes, you want to take your audience on a journey of discovery, sharing with them your personal insights and stories along the way. One of the best ways to do this is to frame your content as stages, lessons, or a framework, such as an alliteration or acronym. Want to see…
Read More7 Essential Questions for Your Brand Story with Elayne Fluker: Podcast Ep. 410
You’re going to get so much out of this episode with 7 essential questions to ask yourself as you refresh your brand story. Whether you’re leaving a corporate job to become an entrepreneur, looking to expand your existing brand, aspiring to be a speaker or thought leader, or a corporate professional ready to transition to…
Read MoreWhat to Include in Your Speaker Video Reel and Speaker Page with Diane Diaz: Podcast Ep. 371
We’re continuing our podcast series to help you Level Up Your Speaking in 2024. As you work to build your speaker brand and begin applying and pitching to speak at more events and conferences, there are two things that will be helpful for you to have – one is a speaker video reel and the…
Read MoreCan I Tell It’s You? What a Brand Voice Is and Why You Need One Especially with AI and ChatGPT: Podcast Ep. 340
Today, we’re delving into a topic that lies at the heart of powerful communication and compelling thought leadership: brand voice. If you’ve ever wondered, ‘How can I stand out in a crowded market?’ or ‘How can I make my messages resonate more deeply with my audience?’, then this episode is for you. We’re going to…
Read MoreDiane Diaz On The Art of Storytelling In Brand Building
As a guest on the Enough Already podcast, Diane Diaz talks about the art of storytelling in brand building! Diane is a coach and consultant who has helped countless businesses and individuals connect with their audiences through the power of storytelling. In this episode, they discuss how coaches and consultants can use their personal stories to…
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