I had the pleasure of being on the Brave Girls with Tracey Imm podcast.
Tracey and I talk about the power of storytelling and how I teach my clients best practices in public speaking. I also explains the process to create a TedX talk and what I recommend if you are considering creating one. I also discuss my framework to create your signature talk that has resulted in client success on the stage. We also talk about how to embed and integrate information into your talk to generate leads. We talk about how to market yourself as a speaker to include creating a landing page on your website, letting people know that you are available to speak, and how to position yourself on LinkedIn. Then talk about how to build your confidence muscle by practicing public speaking and how to create a “Know, Like and Trust” factor.
We wrap up the episode about our podcasting journey and why we both love this medium.
Listen to the episode and read the show notes here.