Free Guide!

How to Define Your Brand Voice to Use with ChatGPT to Get the Writing Style You Want

Enter your name and email below to get our free guide!

Our free PDF guide includes:

  • Our Brand Voice CanvasTM you can fill out for yourself
  • Prompts and examples to get ChatGPT to understand your brand voice so its output sounds more like you

You'll also be added to our email list to get our weekly newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Here's what our Brand Voice CanvasTM looks like. You'll get this template you can fill out and then upload to ChatGPT, with the sample prompts.

Listen to the

Speaking Your Brand® Podcast


Evolving Your Brand is a Must: How to Align Who You Are, Even the Messy Parts: Podcast Ep. 424

Feeling Stuck or at a Plateau with Your Brand or Visibility? It's Time to Break the Rules with Carol Cox: Podcast Ep. 423

Feeling Stuck or at a Plateau with Your Brand or Visibility? It’s Time to Break the Rules with Carol Cox: Podcast Ep. 423


How to Create a 10-Out-of-10 Keynote that Leaves Your Audience in Awe with Julia Korn: Podcast Ep. 422

100x Your Speaking in a Day: Insights from Our Recent In-Person Workshop with Carol Cox: Podcast Ep. 421

100x Your Speaking in a Day: Insights from Our Recent In-Person Workshop with Carol Cox: Podcast Ep. 421

Hi, I’m Carol Cox, founder of Speaking Your Brand®.

I believe that as high-performing women we change the paradigm, the perception of ambitious women, by more of us actively and visibly pursuing bigger, audacious goals, raising our voices and sharing our stories about what really matters – on stages, in boardrooms, in our businesses, in the media – so others can learn from our journeys, see themselves in ours, and become leaders in their own companies and communities.

I started Speaking Your Brand® to provide the coaching, strategy, support, and confidence you need to take your story and your craft and turn it into a signature talk that provides immense value to your audience and to your business.