Finding Your Unique Message to Stand Out with Puja Madan [Coaching]: Podcast Ep. 007

Puja Madan on the Speaking Your Brand podcast

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How can you set yourself apart from others in your field? What makes your approach different? We all have something that is unique to us, but it’s hard for us to see it in ourselves because we take it for granted – it’s with us all the time, after all!

In this episode, I coach my guest Puja Madan to help her find her unique message to stand out, so that’s she’s attracting the right clients and creating content that reflects what’s different about her and her approach to productivity and time management.

Along with hearing the questions I ask my clients (and which you should be asking yourself), you’ll get some excellent tips on how to structure your day and your week for improved productivity and creativity. Here’s a hint – as women, we need to do productivity differently from men.

Let me tell you about Puja Madan: She is the creator of Wild Radiant Woman and coaches high-performing, heart-centered women entrepreneurs to help them create more time and ease in their business by teaching them a system of profitable productivity. Puja’s qualifications include an MBA, 8 years in tech startups, certification in health coaching, and 12+ years of meditation and spiritual development from India.

And, as you’ll hear as we get deeper into the coaching, Puja’s approach is very unique.

If you’d like to work together on identifying your core message, book a strategy session with me. We spend 90 minutes together on a call, as I pull out your experience and expertise, using a framework I created. This can then become the foundation for your signature talk or the messaging you use on your website. Learn more at

I know you’re going to get a lot out of this episode, so be sure to share it with a friend and leave a review on Apple Podcasts. I really appreciate it!


  • Puja’s double life when she was working at a tech start during the week and going on meditation retreats on the weekends
  • Puja’s turning point that caused her to shift her career
  • Purpose-driven women have a lot of fuel and they don’t realize when they’re empty, which can lead to burnout
  • Strategizing on Puja’s unique message
  • What’s working well in Puja’s current business
  • Productivity systems have been designed by men for men, so women oftentimes have a hard time plugging into them.
  • Why are these systems not working for women?
  • When people are searching for help with productivity, what’s missing from what they’re finding?
  • What are your prospects’ “buy now” moments? What are the benefits to them starting working with you now rather than waiting?
  • Puja’s approach to time and why she’s a bit resistant to owning it as part of her brand
  • My recommendations for Puja and her message

What do you think of Puja’s approach and message? Join us in the free Speaking Your Brand community at and let us know!


Connect with Puja on her website at

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