Why Your Business Needs Diversity with Leadership Expert Loren Margolis: Podcast Ep. 006

Loren Margolis on the Speaking Your Brand podcast

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Whether you’re an entrepreneur, an executive, or a professional, you’re a leader, especially if you’re speaking in front of groups of people. It’s important to be aware of the diversity (or lack thereof) in our businesses and in our networks – it’s good for us as people and it’s good for our company’s bottom line. As we sum up at the end, “It all starts with people.”

My guest Loren Margolis established her expertise at Columbia Business School in New York City as a leadership coach and career strategist for global leaders in Investment Banking, Management Consulting, Consumer Goods, and Technology.

Loren then led executive coaching and large-scale management development programs in the healthcare sector before launching her own company, Training & Leadership Success. She is a contributor for Forbes.com and themuse.com.

We cover a lot in this conversation, from imposter syndrome to what it means to be approachable as a leader to how diversity of both people and ideas impacts your workplace and your business’s bottom line.

Diversity and inclusion are core values for me and I’m keenly aware that of the 6 episodes I’ve released so far of this podcast, all of my guests are white women. I do have women of color coming up soon and it’s something I’m actively and consciously trying to balance, both in my guests and in my clients.

As I talked about in episode 3 where I deconstructed the presentation I gave at Podfest, I strongly believe that as entrepreneurs, as speakers, as podcasters, we need to infuse our values into our business and our content.


In this episode, Loren and I talk about:

  • The social media channel we use to connect with influencers
  • What Loren was like as a little girl that led her to her profession
  • The 3 pillars of career happiness
  • Amy Cuddy’s work on body language, taking up space, and presence
  • Imposter syndrome and “flexing” rather than “faking” til you make it
  • Why what you’re saying non-verbally is more impactful than the actual words
  • How face-to-face interactions, including speaking in front of a group, builds trust
  • What it means to be approachable as a leader
  • How diversity of both people and ideas impacts your workplace and your business
  • How businesses can really increase diversity and inclusion and not just pay lip service to it
  • Why “blind” hiring and promotion is not the answer to increasing diversity
  • Why we’ve seen a stagnation in getting more women and people of color into upper-level positions
  • A way you can make your network more diverse
  • With the increasing speed of technology, globalization and change, as a business you need diversity to be competitive and innovative
  • Tips for public speaking from Loren = audience, presentation, technical skills


You can connect with Loren at:

LinkedIn = https://www.linkedin.com/in/talentdevelopmentexpert

Twitter = @LorenMargolis

Sign up for a strategy session at https://www.speakingyourbrand.com/strategy-session/.

Say hi to me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/carolmorgancox/.

Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher.

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