50% 🚺

Blog - MYS 50% enrollment

What does 50% represent?

Women are 50% of the population (actually 51%, but close enough).

Women should be 50% of speakers, including for keynotes and panels.

Women should hold 50% of elected offices (equal representation, FTW).

Women should hold 50% of C-level positions and board seats (studies show company performance is better with more women in leadership).

How do we get there?

One way, I believe, is by women being more visible (on stages, in the media, in our businesses) and mastering skills like speaking, communication, and negotiation.

This is why I created my new Master Your Speaking online group coaching program.

What else is at 50%?

We are! The program is currently half full and applications just opened a few days ago.

Interested in mastering your speaking and positioning yourself for bigger speaking opportunities?

Get all the details and apply today at https://www.speakingyourbrand.com/mastery.

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